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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The story of Monica Oemardi to Islam

The holy month of Ramadan is a month full of wisdom for me. At that time, I started a new life as a Muslim. This is the guidance of Allah on me and I am very thankful. Now, I am more secure in my conscience choice. I am ready physically and spiritually. Including running commands and avoid His prohibitions. I want to be able to umrah pilgrimage. Insha Allah.
My name is Monica Oemardi, born in Jakarta, 24 years ago. My father came from Blitar and Muslims. While mama came from Czechoslovakia, and Protestant. Perhaps, some readers familiar with my debut so far in the world of soap operas. In the soap opera that I was starring Pomegranate, Throne, Intrigue, Warteg, Mysteries of Mount Merapi, Angling Darma, and so forth.
I come from a fairly devout Protestant. Nonetheless, our family is very democratic in matters of religion. After getting married, I converted to Catholicism, following my first husband. Actually, Islam is not familiar to me. Because, mostly poor Muslim families. In little time, I never went along with the prayer on Eid al-Fitr in Bandung. Although just a prayer movement, but it was very memorable rituals in my heart.
Starting Interested
Indeed, I've long wanted to convert to Islam, precisely around the month of February-March 1998. At that time, my fellow artist friend, Vinny Alvionita and Dian Nitami, visited me in boarding houses. As we were chatting, suddenly heard the call to prayer from mosques around dusk boarding house.
My best friend, Dian Nitami a Muslim, immediately wanted to pray. But first he asked me permission. Me and Vinny shuffled from seat to hold a prayer rug, because it cramped boarding houses. Inside a tiny dorm room, I noticed Dian when after ablutions, he issued mukenah white, then wear it. It made me amazed and thought, Islam is very sacred, would to God must purify ourselves first. I observed when Dian continue praying. Until suddenly came out of his mouth I request to my best friend, Vinny, to teach me how to pray procedures.
Of course Vinny was surprised to hear my request. I did not know what prompted me to throw such words. With his face in disbelief, I looked at Vinny. I repeated my request he sent earlier.
Vinny might not believe it, because I had never been taught to pray to ask friends who often came to my boarding house. However, the time came for the prayer Dian, I even asked taught. This may be the guidance for me through both of my friends.
Since then, Vinny gave me some reading material. One was titled, "Lantern Heart" written by Prof. Dr. H. Quraish Shihab, MA. After reading the book, I am amazed and admire the Islam. I was more steeped in Islam through the books given Vinny, in addition to her mother Dian Nitami ask family and Vinny.
Although I continue to study Islam through books provided by Vinny, I still go to church. In fact, who delivered it was Vinny alone. Indeed, in our friendship of mutual respect, especially about religion. He once told me that there is no compulsion in Islam. If you want to convert to Islam, had a mind and a clean heart and in accordance with their conscience.
Day after day, I continued to study Islam in depth, until after there is no doubt in the heart, in fasting, in January 1998, the more my heart trembled. I'm waiting for when the time is right to embrace Islam.
Passion to embrace Islam conquers all bustle and preparation for Christmas. First, I most like to prepare. In fact, a month before I was busy tidying the house, looking for a present for my mom and family, and are always ready to help mom prepare Christmas cakes. But, at that moment, I did not do any of that. Although I had not embraced Islam, but I've been fasting.
Converted to Islam

On the eve of New Year's Eve, December 31, 1998 and then, I say two sentences creed pledge led by Prof. H. Quraish Shihab at the residence of a businessman electronics, Rachmat Gobel, in the Saharjo Road, South Jakarta, in an iftar together.
After reading the first pillar of Islam, I could not contain his emotion, so that I could no longer stem the tears. This chest felt relieved once, like a newborn baby. So, the year 1999 was, for me, is the year to start a "new life" as a Muslim.
Although it was officially converted to Islam, but Mr. Quraish Shihab on the occasion, also advised me to immediately inaugurate my Islamic state. He said, saying two sentences creed many times, it's okay. Then, on Friday the liver December 8, 1999, equipped with administrative procedures, I wish to pledge two kaliniat creed in front of witnesses at Sunda Kelapa Mosque, Central Jakarta.
Knowing I embraced Islam, my mother was angry. Nothing, but because he wants me to have principles in life. After I explained, he was finally accepted my decision. He advised that I actually keep my Islam. Not confusing and should not be messing around.
After converting to Islam, my life feels calmer. Especially after the divorce with her first husband, who made off with my son, Anthony Joshua (6 years). During the holy month of Ramadan, I kept running fast. And in fact, the fast with the intention based, in contrast to fasting without intention. I feel fast without the intention was very heavy. Instead of doing this, only to wake up the meal heavy. However, after converting to Islam, I always read the intention of fasting every meal, fasting becomes noticeably lighter.
During the meal I own. Strangely, I could easily awakened, without feeling heavy. And after the meal, I did not go to sleep. I turn on the TV and attending dawn. Of the broadcast, I gained a lot of useful input. I am determined to be a good Muslim, of course, accompanied by the prayers of the reader. Insha Allah.


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