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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Sign In Islam Through Comparative Religion

My name is Mahmud Bisara Sianturi, born in North Tapanuli. My family are devout Christians. My father, Mangantar Sianturi, worked as a foreman at oil palm plantations, Jambi. My mother, Delima Boruhombing, an ordinary housewife. I am the eldest of five siblings, a laid-male and three female.
My childhood heavily influenced by Christianity. Our parents are very strict in matters of religion. They always told me to be a churchgoer. My father was also an officer in the church. My own grandfather, the founder of the Church of IPR (Huria Kristen Indonesia) in Indonesia before it breaks into HKBP (Huria Kristen Batak Protestant).
As the other children in the village predominantly Christian, I did not escape obtain religious instruction. One of planting Christian doctrine that made an impression so far is, "No decent human beings to God in heaven without Jesus." Or in other words, all human beings are God's enemy if they do not follow the teachings of Jesus. At that time, I was convinced by the teaching.
Changes began to occur about 1967, when my father retired and moved to Lubuk Pakam, North Sumatra. Here, too, I got to know Islam through classmates.
Facing Medan Mayor
One day, I was sad to see kids my age are not in school. Those few who graduated from junior high school, some really just graduated from elementary school. They are forced to leave school because it helps parents make a living. Many of those working in the Rubber Factory PT Asahan. In fact, one of my neighbors had told him that his work is very heavy, but received minimal wages. He said, many are not strong. But they are helpless, as urged by the necessities of life.
Without thinking, I immediately go to the field to face the mayor. However, my intention was not immediately realized, as aides rejected on the grounds mayor was out of town. I'm not desperate. On another day, I came back with the same intention. But, still no luck. I came again, up to five times to visit, and sixth. time I received directly by the mayor.
In the presence of the mayor, I tell you everything. Apparently, the mayor already knew that. He promised to help. Since that time, our country is still in turmoil after G30S/PKI hit, it can not be implemented. I also understand. However, after that, the mayor offered me to stay at his house. I agree, because it could easily meet him.
Arguing and Converted to Islam
That afternoon, I accidentally introduced Christianity to the mayor's son. Do not forget, I also teach church songs. But my mission was known to H. Nurdin (mayor-in-law). "I'm interested in you teach my grandchildren hymns well" said H. Nurdin as that.
I was shocked, because not expect him to listen. "Just show me the truth of Christianity through the Gospel," he continued. "If there is truth, I do not mind you taking my grandson to church," she challenged.
H. Nurdin then pointed to a glass of tea on the table, "Tell me, where the water first or God?" She fished. I replied lightly, "Clearly God first."
"If you think teaching is so, then you're a liar! For the Lord your newborn have not been there two thousand years ago. While the water was a long time ago. so, your religion was a lie, "he said.
I still could not dodge the question by saying that there has been no new born two thousand years the Lord Jesus. However, H. Nurdin denied again, "If God the Son and God the Father latter first, it was not possible, because the god you are not three separate, such as water, tea, and sugar, into one. So, if spilled, say a drop, then all come pouring out, well water, tea, and sugar. Not only might the tea, or sugar are spilled, while airya fixed in glass, "he explained.
Hearing that description, I can not resist a little heart. Furthermore, he explained further that in the Gospels, Jesus mentions the existence of a successor in the future instead of Jesus. I admit it. But, to my knowledge, which is a replacement for the future is Jesus. Meanwhile, in another sect, the successor is Elias. Then, Pentecostal sects declare others as the Holy Spirit.
However, H. Nurdin said the Prophet Muhammad SAW, I can not deny, as I found in the Gospel of John verse 23 which says, "Blessed are you when I get back to the Father in heaven, because if I do not return, then the successor shall not come. When I return, I will make him come to you to enforce the law and the truth. Follow Him, because He said according to the order Father in heaven. "
Christian truth is also questionable H. Nurdin. Why teachings brought by the messengers, but there is no definite procedure to worship God. That is, who brought Christianity does not give a definite and raw examples of how to worship the true God. "Look how special Catholic worship, why another Protestant, Pentecostal, Adventist too? And who brought the teachings of one person, "he said.
Then, he compared the way prayers Muslims around the world are the same. Utterances in the same prayer. Heard this, I began to doubt the teachings of Christianity. Especially when H. Nurdin explain the many Bible verses that were never followed by Christians themselves, such as the command of circumcision (circumcision), prohibition of eating pork, and the obligation to wear a veil for women kaurn, and others.
The order is violated it once it comes Paul who told uncircumcised. She says he has been getting revelation. In fact, Paul had nothing to do with Jesus, adrift approximately 500 years.
After getting information that is so profound,
Eventually, the ice began to melt my heart I accept the truth of Islam. Alhamdulillah, since I like to pledge two sentences creed, and official Islam.


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