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Friday, February 22, 2013

The captain Muslim Steep Road

Detention for 76 days at Guantanamo, Cuba, made Captain James Yee is really 'hurt'. He believes Government of the United States (U.S.) have done wrong in detention. Therefore, until now he continues to await a formal apology from the U.S. government.
Yee is a devout Muslim who had a career in the U.S. military. Graduate of the prestigious West Point military education since 1990 stationed in Guantanamo September 2001. During his assignment, he is much maligned, vilified as including espionage, aiding the enemy, and betrayal. Based on that, he was later imprisoned and eventually honorably discharged. According to Yee in an interview with ABC, all charges that could bring the death penalty. But fortunately, claims it never occurred.
Experienced precipitous journey for a career in the military and served in Guantanamo recently wrote a book titled For God and Country: Faith and Patriotism Under Fire, which launched on Eid, November 4. However, it is not enough to treat the 'wound'. "I'm still waiting for an apology from the government," he said. While in custody, Yee gets treated like other prisoners in the camp known for its brutality guards it. He was thrown into a truck to be taken from one place to another with his hands and feet bound. At that time, he was very concerned about her safety. Known, he has witnessed many cruel guards against prisoners at the camp. Yee also realized that it was her family did not know where he is.

The cruelty of the guards were often tried to be tempered by Yee-when he was on duty-not to torment the prisoners. She also kept trying to prevent the abuse of the Koran and other Islamic symbols. But he admitted, abusive practices that continue to occur. While still on duty anyway, Yee also claims often see a search of male inmates by female guards. It is very bothering. In the book he said that he kept trying to remind the women guards to stop the action. Prisons in the U.S., according to him, applying different rules prohibiting gender searches. This rule also showed to the guards women, so the search Gender differences no longer occur.
Other testimony was writing about the situation Guantanamo detainees is a matter of anger. According to him, the prisoners were generally taken to Guantanamo without due process of law. Because so depressed, some of them did not want to talk at all. "They believe that they were detained because of a Muslim," said the father of a daughter is like writing on the site
Once in jail, Yee had spent much time in prayer and reading the Quran. He always compares the verses of the Qur'an and the charge of the gospel. Yee much to the story of the Prophet Joseph. Name then he made a name Yusuf Islam. While in custody, he also read the story of Noah were so eager to defend his faith in Allah Almighty.

The choice to embrace Islam then it makes it required ready to face the trials of life. At first, he was a Lutheran adherents. The choice to embrace Islam determined when on vacation to Syria after graduating from West Point, and meets a woman named Huda who later became his wife. From this Islamic breath blowing stronger in him. He spent five years to study Arabic and Islam in Syria. He also later had the opportunity to perform the pilgrimage to the Holy Land. "When it went to Mecca and saw the diversity of Islam, I realized that Islam allows people of all cultural backgrounds to hug her," said Yee. His position as an American citizen, said Yee, does not make him different from the Muslims who came from another nation. "We have the same faith in one God," he said.
Only, the recognition is sometimes a gap between the ideal and reality. Some U.S. Muslims say that Muslims from other countries are not always receptive to 'American-ness' them. "But Islam is 'pretty' is always accepted all elements of culture," he said. His passion to show the face of Islam as a tolerant religion is never extinguished.
The third generation of Chinese descent who migrated to the United States was hoping the story of his journey over at Guantanamo could provide inspiration for many people to understand Islam better. Through the book he also hope more people can learn about the struggle of achieving justice, equality, and freedom. Yee is more accurately described as the cleric was sure his problems are also problems that plagued the world (Islam) as a whole.


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