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Friday, February 22, 2013

Yeanny Suryadi, Understanding Islam from Behind the Fence

Muslim teachings to cover nakedness made him realize how Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is very fair.

From behind the fence is high, Yeanny Suryadi know Islam. At that time, small Yeanny living in Muslim villages in central London. He and his family lived in a big house that takes "distance" to the surrounding community.

From behind the fence, Yeanny born as Chinese and Buddhists can see that the Muslim community to adapt to very warm. They love each other and respect each other.

"From behind the fence, I saw many children are free to play and the adults bersilaturahim. Warm, "said the woman who now lives in Semarang with her husband and two daughters were.

The more mature, Yeanny increasingly want to know Islam. Doctrine for Muslim women to cover the aurat make Yeanny aware of how they worship God is very fair, does not distinguish his people from their social status or physical perfection.

"They cover their entire body to just look on their faces. It did not look his property, does not look poor, does not look too perfect and flawed, "he said.

Athan also often drugged consciousness. For women born 2 September 1980, the call to prayer for Muslims is able to calm her, especially when Maghrib. When I moved to Jakarta, Yeanny more active studying Islam. "I bought a lot of books about God's justice," she said.

She began to learn and be praying as a Muslim. "Still one-one when praying. I just guided the books I have, "he said.

Slowly Yeanny pledged himself as a Muslim. Until finally, the woman who likes to write short stories and poetry have decided to read the creed in 2005.

He was very peaceful after embracing Islam. His life becomes more focused because there is a definite purpose, the life of this world and the hereafter. He was feeling more calm and serene. Therefore, Islam led the world in life.

For Yeanny, Islam set his people from all facets of life. Nothing confusing.

Praying for the first time was memorable for Yeanny. Initially, he was often concerned about whether the movement and prayer readings are correct or not. "At that time I still use Indonesian in prayer," she said.

Other memorable things, when he fasting for the first time. "Fun, fast hold that emotion, it feels bad," he said. Although the first time she did, she could fasting month then.

However, changing the habits of life as a Muslim is not an easy matter. "It is not like a chameleon. Forms of life that are made as a child so it does not easily replaced. The journey to true Muslim is still far away. I continue to learn, "he said.

Luckily, the husband helped to further study Islam. Although no educational background in philosophy or Islam, but he has a strong Islamic foundation.

Converts to his wife, he gave good examples. The husband also were taught to read the Quran. "He does not patronize."

Yeanny Admittedly, not everyone supports immediate decision became Muslim. The mother, for example, strongly opposed his Islam. He is the youngest child and his mother are expected to take care of the cemetery. He became the hope of the mother. Therefore, the two kokonya (brother) also converted to Islam, although they far apart.

Criticism also came from the mother's family Yeanny. He opposed and ridiculed by his mother's family. "They say that many Muslims are evil terrorists, or become tangled," he said.

But, trying to be patient in Yeanny through all these trials. "Thank God, I'll get through it. This is thanks to the power of prayer, patience, and sincerely surrender. "

Teach the value of Islam in Children
As a mother, Yeanny trying to encourage and guide their children in order to get to know Islam very well.

Since childhood, both girls had been introduced to Islamic values. Kaylsa, his daughter who is now seven years old too, put Islamic school in order to get education in an Islamic environment.

"I've also been getting her hijab since childhood. The only school he is covered, "he said.

According to him, it is not hard to make her daughter understand the importance of hijab for a Muslim woman. "Thank God, because it was sent to school in kindergarten Islam, so the foundation is pretty good Moslem. So easy to make him understand, "he said.

Yeanny also teaches the importance of fasting and prayer. He also invites his children to collect Islamic books. Yeanny is devoting all his time and energy for growth and development of the child.

According to him, he wanted to emulate his mother really pour love and affection in raising their children. Although she and her late mother's different religions, but Yeanny always pray for her mother. She believes Islam glorifies a mother and son pious prayer to help her mother in the afterlife.

In addition to teaching Islamic values ​​to their children, Yeanny also continue to devote the same value in every short story and poetry writing.

For him, writing is a job with great responsibility. In his works that have been published in several print media, Yeanny shows that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala Rich and holder destiny.

Through his work, Yeanny also hopes to inspire Muslims to raise the faith. "Muslims have to be consistent. If it is a pledge to be a Muslim then bersunguh-behold. Deepen their knowledge well and live it with sincerity, "he said.


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